Define a gender
In next few steps you are supposed to define the face. You start by defining the left corner of the left eye, then right corner of the right eye, nose tip, left and right corner of mouth. After this you just have to make slight adjustments to some points on face that are needed for software to complete all the calculations.
Defining a points on a photo
Slight adjustment of points
When you done this and press space you have to wait for a few moments for all calculations to be done (this is where the speed of your computer comes into play; slower the machine longer it takes to calculate everything, and just for you to know, 512 MB memory is recommended minimum). All this previous steps were here in the last version I tested and at this point I was a bit disappointed because nothing has changed. But next screen made my face smile.
This screen is divided into 2 halves. Left half contains Before photo and right After photo.
Before and after screen
In almost 80% of cases program did great job on retouching without my help. But if you want to do touch up manually and to see how you can do the job you have many options at your disposal. Biggest palette is Slider palette. Here you have 6 groups of settings:
- Face Sculpt
- Skin
- Eye
- Mouth
- Lightning
- Picture
Slider palette
Face Sculpt
When you click on this button you are presented with many sliders. You can adjust head, jaw, nose, eyes and mouth shape. You can also alter face expression. While moving any of this sliders watch your right photo and you'll see what changes you making. Don't go to far, because if you go up to 100% change you can end up with terrible results.
In this section you work on skin. You can alter settings for skin imperfection, wrinkles, remove pores, add or subtract skin shine and as a bonus you can change skin tan
In this section you can change some of the eye "properties". You can whiten eye, change eye area and color of the eye.
Quite simple section. Here you can change lip saturation, you can darken or lighten lip and change lip contrast and saturation.
Change shadows/highlights or contrast
This is only "global" section of all because it affects whole picture. Set exposure, contrast, fill shadows, saturation and temperature.
On top of each section are 2 buttons and one slider wheel. With buttons you can turn off all values or set them to defaults if you went to far with changes. With slider wheel you affect all sliders in section in more natural way, so I suggest you try it before you touch any slider in that section.
When you finished with adjusting sliders you can save all the settings as the preset, or you can try on of 10 presets that are shipped with this software. On bottom of slider palette is Spot removal sensitivity and option to remove red eye.
In addition to slider palette Portrait Professional gives you tool palette with four tool groups which allows you more control over the face mask.
- Blemishes
- Skin selection
- View
- Image
In short with blemishes you can touch up some areas or restore original state of photo. You can choose Radius size of brush and opacity which gives you quite a control over the changes you intend to make.
Skin selection
Sometimes program "over selects" areas and you end up with background or person’s shirt messed up. With this tool you can extend or cut back selection. When you click on any of those tools you can see how this program "sees" photo and areas it should retouch.
Simple group. Zoom in, Zoom out and Pan.
Only one tool here, Crop.
Finally, you need to have in mind that the program works best when making subtle improvements. It can't make miracles but it can make photo retouching easy. There is one handier thing and that is that you can now add another face if there are more than one face in photo.
In video below you can see how easy is to retouch a photo and how long does it take.
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